There is no one-size-fits-all strategy when it comes to content marketing. From simple to complex, the goal is the same – to reach the customer. Diversifying your content marketing strategy will increase customer engagement by reaching a broader and more diverse audience. Using writers is an effective way of weaving necessary information with storytelling that resonates with the reader. Here are six content marketing methods where writers can help drive conversations and connect with your consumers.
Blog posts
The basics of content creation and one of the first things people think of for content marketing. Blog posts can be relatively easy to produce and inexpensive to create. Content helps increase site traffic and can be updated as needed. Content can be generated in high volume and easily shared on multiple platforms, which will continue to generate site traffic. The key to content generation that drives traffic is having writers who understand SEO.
Long-form articles
Long-form articles differ from blog posts in their size and depth. The length of long-form content varies by the source. Some sites consider 2,000-word articles to be long, but others push the word length up to 8,000. Regardless of the length, this type of content allows the writer to provide more comprehensive and in-depth information on a topic. These articles can lead to favorable marketing results with increased time spent on a site by the reader.
The newsletter is another method of increasing brand awareness and driving traffic to your site. Newsletters are a way to highlight existing content or provide new information for your customers. Writers can help guide the flow of the newsletter by spotlighting new products or services and tell stories to give a personal touch about the brand.
The infographic is a great visual method of conveying information to the reader. Using images and text, the infographic breaks down complex information into bite-sized pieces. It can also make dry or boring data more appealing to the reader, making the infographic likable and shareable. Infographics also help with SEO as the pictures will enable you to show up in Google’s image results.
Webinars are excellent top-of-the-funnel marketing tools for B2B businesses. Using writers to script the webinar lets you present the brand’s identity directly to the customer. The webinar provides your customers with real-time interactions where you can address their questions or concerns. This gives the customer a more personalized experience and a better feel for the brand. The webinar is also a cost-effective marketing tool that can be recorded and posted as a resource for new potential customers to view.
Current estimates indicate that 62% of consumers in the United States listen to podcasts. This makes this an area of content marketing you should consider. Using a writer to script the podcast will reduce awkward pauses, improve the flow of interviews, and make editing more efficient.
Using writers when diversifying your marketing will help to engage customers through storytelling and brand identification. Find the marketing strategies that work for your business where it is today and adjust the marketing plan as the business evolves.